Eu4 imperium universalis mod patch notes
Eu4 imperium universalis mod patch notes

  • The Prussian Confederation Revolts event will now only release Danzig in its existing cores or in unoccupied burgher-assigned provinces.
  • eu4 imperium universalis mod patch notes

    The Prussian Confederation Revolts event will no longer fire while TEU is at war.Removed version of Tribal Feud event that kills heir.Now always requires 20 development and a temple in province. Removed dlc fallback for Granada mission Qalat Al-Hamra.

    eu4 imperium universalis mod patch notes eu4 imperium universalis mod patch notes

    Portuguese event “Vasco Da Gama in India” no longer lets Goa be seized from a player realm, and only grants a claim instead.Option A in the “Theological Debate” event now applies unrest to one state for ten years.Hunting Accident event for hordes now checks for low horde unity or low legitimacy rather than only low legitimacy.Hunting Accident event for hordes no longer reduces stability.Added 3 new historical pirates for election event (Grace O’Malley, Piet Heyn, and François l’Olonnais).‘The Third Rome’ event now renames the capital city, Constantinople/Konstantiyye, to ‘Tsargrad’.“The Peacock Throne” event has been rephrased, and the choice to move the capital to Delhi is only available if the capital isn’t already Delhi.“Expansion of Madrasah” event no longer applies effects to provinces in the targeted area owned by other countries.“A Path to the Sea” event is no longer is able to reduce a province’s manpower to 0.The ‘Form Romanian Nation’ no longer moves the capital, as the ‘Found Bucharest’ mission does the same thing now.Scoping error in the “Stop Foreign Slave Trade” decision corrected.Starting Republican Tradition is now 70 (up from 50). Becoming a Pirate Republic via decision now only reduces stability by 2 (down from 5).Localization files may now be placed in subfolders under game/localisation.Removed ‘owns_all_islands’ trigger, replaced by the more generic ‘owns_all_provinces’.Removed ‘change_government_via_reform’ as ‘change_government’ will now always refund reform progress.Fixed mission names exceeding their bounds in German.improved the tooltip and progress of several achievements.Missionary cost tooltip in religious screen now shows effect from maintenance slider.Lemurians in the “Lemuria” RNW scenario use the Indian graphical guarantees when describing co-belligerent allies.Typos in the generic mission tree tooltips have been corrected.Pirates will be more likely to pick Naval & Maritime ideas now.Texas’ leader names and ship names have been made more Texan.Religious Zeal from converting to Protestant/Reformed now gives you 33% cheaper missionary maintenance cost.

    eu4 imperium universalis mod patch notes

    Countries with good (100+) relations will be excluded from coastal raiding.Countries will not be able to negotiate peace while they have a pending enforce peace demand for the same war.Colonial parents now become war leaders when called in by their subjects.Old World AI will refuse to join as ally in a colonial war that escalates through refused enforce peace from overlord.Hindustan and Bharat can no longer be formed by end game tags (e.g.Updated the province requirement for the decision to Form Spanish Nation Diplomatically to reflect map changes in the Spain update.Mughals are now in the Indian tech group.Germany can keep the Prussian Monarchy reform if the country that formed it already had the reform.6GB hard drive space (up from 2GB) 1.28.3 Hotfix Patch Notes Gamebalance Governments

    Eu4 imperium universalis mod patch notes